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ACA Compliance

Simplify ACA reporting compliance 

We combine powerful software and end-to-end service to save you time and deliver more accurate ACA reporting. Software alone is not enough. Reporting for ACA  compliance is complex and time-consuming, and if not done correctly could lead to expensive penalties. The holistic Benefitfocus® ACA Compliance Solution simplifies ACA reporting by managing it for you.

Your designated client services manager works with our data engineers to pull together and review all relevant data, notify you of any potential issues monthly, manage fulfillment and filing and help with ACA penalty responses.

The Benefitfocus ACA Compliance Solution is available standalone or integrated with our benefits administration platform, Benefitplace™.

How Our Solution Is Different

Our end-to-end ACA compliance solution for reporting saves you time with data-driven software and an experienced services team. These are the key advantages that set us apart:

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  • End-to-end ACA reporting solution including fulfillment, IRS filing and penalty response.
  • Higher standard of accuracy with software and experts aggregating and reviewing your data monthly.
  • Designated client manager proactively leads you through ACA reporting and alerts you to potential issues monthly.
  • Expedited assistance with penalty response at no extra cost.
  • Robust dashboard helps you easily track and review all your ACA data in one place.
  • State mandate reporting is also available and managed by your client services manager.
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ACA Compliance Solution Overview

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We support our customers throughout the year for more accurate reporting.

  • On-time ACA printing and filing since 2015 with our Benefitfocus ACA Compliance Solution.
  • Benefitfocus helped reduced customers' ACA reporting penalties by an average of 97.9%. Of those who initially received penalty assessments, 44% owed no penalty based on penalties assessed during tax years 2015 through 2018.

How It Works

It all starts with more accurate ACA data. We give you time back by doing the heavy lifting to aggregate your data and proactively notify you of any potential issues every month. And with more accurate reporting, there is less risk of penalties. 

Is pulled from your different sources and reviewed monthly.

Are run to determine employee eligibility and affordability.

Potential exposure to penalties can be done in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Including fulfillment, printing, and filing with the IRS is handled by our experienced team.

Assistance is provided by your client team.

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Take a test drive

Schedule a consultation with a member of our team and see our ACA compliance  solution in action!

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