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Dos and Don’ts for Your Gen Z Communication Strategy

Have you created a Gen Z communication strategy? We certainly understand if this goal isn’t on your priority list. With open enrollment, you might be busy finalizing healthcare options or researching how to increase employee engagement. But it’s time to begin thinking about Gen Z—especially as a number of Gen Zers are in their twenties. One day, your organization will have many Gen Z employees. By learning about this age group now, you can get a head start on your Gen Z communication strategy. In this blog, we explain some dos and don’ts benefits professionals should consider when crafting their Gen Z communication strategy.

1. Do ensure your Gen Z communication strategy represents diversity.
According to Pew Research*, “Gen Z is more racially and ethnically diverse than previous generations.” For Gen Zers born during 1997 – 2012, Pew Research demonstrated a nearly even split between white Gen Zers and nonwhite Gen Zers—with Hispanics being the most populous nonwhite group.

Reflect this diversity in your Gen Z communication strategies. Be sensitive to cultural differences when it comes to discussing benefits. For instance, let minority employees with diabetes risk know HSA funds can purchase insulin. In your content, select diverse pictures and be multicultural when choosing names for hypothetical examples.

2. Don’t assume Gen Zers need the same communications as older employees.
Given their age, Gen Zers have a limited work history. Pew Research also substantiated that “Gen Zers are less likely to be working than previous generations when they were teens and young adults.” Realize your Gen Zers may require more education than older employees. Don’t assume Gen Zers understand the definition of a PPO or HSA rollovers, but provide full explanations for each concept. For complicated topics, be sure to incorporate graphics and use video when possible (we have more to say about video in a bit).

3. Do tie your company’s benefits to financial independence.
The Barna Group found that a greater portion (42%) of those 13 – 18 cited financial independence as “the primary mark of adulthood” than did a cohort of adult Millennials (25%). The Barna Group’s research also revealed that financial independence is a goal many Gen Zers “want to accomplish before age 30.” In light of this, show your company’s benefits contribute to financial freedom. For example, highlight how your 401(k) webinar or employee assistance program (EAP) can help with money matters.

4. Don’t leverage fear in your benefits communications.
Did you know 40% of U.S. Gen Zers say their “professional achievement” is impeded by anxiety? That’s what the Workforce Institute at Kronos found.

In your Gen Z communications, don’t use fear to encourage wise benefits decisions. Frame topics such as early retirement planning or HSA contributions around opportunity. Need some help? Check out our blog with words like “you” and “save” that promote positive benefits communications.

5. Do use video in your Gen Z communication strategy.
When it comes to learning, Pearson revealed that Gen Z would rather watch YouTube than read a tangible book—or even use “[l]earning apps or interactive games.” In light of this, make plans to include video in your Gen Z communication strategy.

6. Don’t rely on technological communications alone.
Even though Gen Zers like YouTube, don’t discount traditional communication. In fact, Dell’s research found that 43% of Gen Zers “prefer to communicate with coworkers in-person over any other method.” From lunch-and-learns to benefits fairs, sprinkle in educational events that involve a physical presence into your Gen Z communication strategy.

*Please note Gen Z age ranges can vary between publications.