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March Employee Benefits Engagement Campaign: Sleep Awareness

Adults between 18 and 64 need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, one-third of American adults earned a failing grade by performing less than 60% of possible healthy sleep behaviors. Sleep is foundational - inextricably linked to every facet of our lives. That means that one out of three of your employees is sleep-deficient and likely doesn’t feel or perform their best while working.

The link between sleep, mental health, and job performance is well documented. People who are sleep deprived experience more depressive symptoms. According to the Casper-Gallup State of Sleep in America Report, as of 2022, nearly 7 out of 10 people who were dissatisfied with their sleep experienced mild or greater levels of depressive symptoms. What’s more, we know the impact of wellbeing extends far beyond how people feel. Gallup also reported that, as of 2022, it costs organizations $322 billion in turnover and lost productivity.

Thankfully, Sleep Awareness Week (with World Sleep Day) gives you the opportunity to celebrate sleep health with your workforce! Use these campaign recommendations to inspire your employees get the rest they need.

Set Your Campaign Objectives

Sleep is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, and your employee benefits package surely offers a range of products and programs that support employees’ health and wellness. A Sleep Awareness campaign can help raise awareness of these benefits and even boost participation in specific wellbeing initiatives aimed at helping employees manage stress and practice daily self-care. For example:

  • Increase downloads of your company's wellbeing app
  • Encourage participation in your March wellness challenge
  • Boost utilization of your health coaching or gym membership programs

Share These Handy Resources with Your Employees 

Health Sleep Starts Before You Hit the Sheets

Not Sleeping Well? It Might Be Time to See a Healthcare Provider 

Infographic: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep 

Video: 10 Commandments of Health Sleep You Must Follow for a Good Night’s Rest

Give These Communications Tips a Try

  • Send kick-off email introducing Sleep Awareness Week and outlining activities and resources
  • Post a sleep stat on your corporate social channel
  • Invite employees to share a favorite fall-to-sleep song on your corporate social channel
  • Host a Sleep Hygiene webinar
  • Post a sleep tip on your corporate social channel
  • Send an email encouraging employees to download their wellness app and tap into sleep/meditation content
  • Post a link to your wellness app on your corporate social channel
  • Celebrate World Sleep Day!
  • Post a summary of sleep awareness resources on your corporate social channel

The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information and content herein is provided for general informational purposes only and may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. 
